Benjamin Hervy
Research engineer, PhD

Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
44312 Nantes, France
I currently work as a research engineer for OR2C, a regional observatory on coastal risk management where I contribute to GIS data management, data analysis with ML/DL, and to web application development.
I am also associate researcher to Centre François Viète. I’m interested in citizen sciences, and contribute to a crowdsourcing project about Comédie-Italienne (XVIIIth century). I also investigate epistemology issues related to data processing in digital humanities projects.
I graduated from École Centrale de Nantes, with a Master in engineering (mechanics and computer science), and a PhD in industrial engineering during which I specialized in knowledge management and data science for digital humanities.
Scientific collaborations:
- Guillaume Raschia, LS2N UMR CNRS 6004, DUKE team
- Florent Laroche, LS2N UMR CNRS 6004, IS3P team.
- Françoise Rubellin, LAMO EA 4276
- Pierre Teissier, CFV EA 1161
latest posts
Feb 3, 2022 | Using custom projection with OpenLayers 6 |
selected publications
- A First Attempt Towards General Purpose Data Model for Historical DatabasesIn EADH 2018: Data in Digital Humanities, Dec 2018
- Humanités numériques et archives orales : cartographies d’une mémoire collective sur les matériauxCahiers François Viète, Mar 2018
- Crowdsourcing-based Annotation of the Accounting Registers of the Italian ComedyIn 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), May 2018
- Framework for historical knowledge management in museologyInternational Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, Mar 2017